With the release of the Limited Box Ver.β last December, players were finally able to get their hands on cards from the new Gundam Card Game.
This early look at the soon-to-release TCG, nicknamed Gundam Card Game Beta, features select cards from three of the four colors, enough to build a playable deck.
We’ve now had ample time to play with the cards, allowing us to separate the best cards from the rest. Making lists for each color also shows how strong and deep each one is currently, which reveals something interesting, as you’ll see below.
Note that the assessment of each card is entirely dependent on what’s available so far. Cards will likely become better (or worse) once the full set is released.
Best Green Cards in GCG
Green stands out for being the color with Breach, a powerful keyword mechanic that lets a unit deal damage to the shield area if its attack destroys an enemy unit. It’s a strong offensive ability that can end a game quickly.
5. Shenlong Gundam
As a 4/3 unit with Breach 3, Shenlong Gundam is big enough to bring down most midgame units and take down the EX Base too. It’s a slightly better version of Rick Dom, which is why it clinched the 5th spot, though costing 1 more does impact the sort of plays you can make during those crucial early turns.
4. Char Aznable
Char Aznable’s ability to give linked units High-Maneuver is great, and feels satisfying to win with as the final attack. Note that he’s still a +2 AP pilot while attacking with non-linked units, so while you really want him to get into the cockpit of his signature Zaku II or a Gelgoog, he’s not that picky.
3. Chang Wufei
Chang Wufei is the pilot you want to have on the driver seat of any Breach unit. Chang’s ability lets you pick off low-AP units and hit the shield area, all without taking damage. However, since there are a lot of strong 4 AP units and ways to pump 3 AP units with pilots, his ability isn’t as all-powerful as you’d hope.
2. Zaku II
It almost seems like a joke that this lowly 1/2 for 1 outranks nearly every other green unit, which are all bigger by the way. However, don’t underestimate the Zaku II, as it’s able to bring down an EX Base in one attack. It’s simply the best early play you can make. Its 2 HP matters against ping effects and having 3 AP on attack will let it take down higher level units too.
1. Wing Gundam
Wing Gundam is the best unit in the Beta. It has a baseline of 4 AP 5 HP, which are both critical thresholds for card effects and trading favorably in battle. Then it has Breach 5, so it can destroy any base in one attack. Finally, it can attack active enemy units Lv.4 or lower, making it truly unfair (normally only rested units can be attacked). All of that in one card; now imagine if he’s paired with a good pilot…
Best Blue Cards in GCG
That we only feature 3 blue cards should tell you how weak the color is compared to the others. While we could add Guncannon and Gundam to make this a top 5, we felt they’re simply not on the same power level as the other cards in this post.
3. White Base
Deploying this in the midgame when both players are trying to eke out value and board advantage is great. As long as you can keep it alive, its ability to pump out units every turn means you can sooner or later overwhelm the opponent. It’s just a flavor fail that a card named White Base is blue.
2. Amuro Ray
Amuro Ray can jump into the pilot seat and immediately negate blockers and take out key enemy units or even swing for the win. His ability can target almost everything, as there aren’t many units that can reach 6 HP.
1. A Show of Resolve
Drawing two cards in general is good. In this very limited ‘set’, drawing two cards is a premium. Often any close game devolves into a topdecking contest by turn 7 or so, making A Show of Resolve a great start to gain the edge. It does cost 3 so you can get behind on board playing this early though.
Best White Cards in GCG
White is easily the best color in Gundam Card Game right now, and that’s mostly thanks to the Blocker keyword. While Breach is great for offense, the defensive ability of being able to protect your key units and trade favorably is just amazing.
7. Demi Trainer
Don’t look down on this Lv.1 1-cost 1 AP 1 HP dude. It has Blocker. Other than Zaku II, Demi Trainer is the best unit you can deploy on turn 1. It can deflect attacks on your stronger units, protect your shield area, and even be the last line of defense when all your shields are down.
6. Archangel
Having the ability to set a Blocker as active after it has already attacked is fantastic. You’re essentially paying 2 to get an extra unit, likely with better than vanilla stats, ready to defend. It also only costs 1 to deploy while having 5 HP, so even without taking advantage of its ability it’s a cost-effective defense card.
5. Launcher Strike Gundam
Having Blocker immediately gives this unit a leg up on other similarly sized and costed options. Its stats as a 3/4 lets it trade favorably with any Lv.3 unit. Combining the two results in a very advantageous position that makes it difficult for the opponent to attack at all. The pilots you can link it with are pretty good themselves too, as a bonus.
4. Aile Strike Gundam
Continuing the trend of Blocker units, Aile Strike Gundam is a big drop that can 2-for-1 most smaller units. It’s slightly worse than the next card on this list because it costs 1 more and its pair ability can be a disadvantage if you’re not careful. Yes, it can get rid of a 4 HP unit and that’s a big plus, but since it’s a mandatory trigger, you might end up bouncing a wounded big unit like Wing Gundam, essentially healing it, instead of just destroying it outright.
3. Perfect Strike Gundam
Like Launcher Strike Gundam, the Perfect Strike mobile suit can link with Earth Alliance pilots and has Blocker, too. However, the extra 1 AP matters, making this an upgrade even though it requires a Lv.5 board. Its deploy ability isn’t too impressive, but it can get rid of small units that can strike back.
2. Overflowing Affection
While it’s not straight up card advantage, Overflowing Affection lets you see two new cards for the measly price of 1 resource. It can fix hands that lack early drops, or it can help you find gas in the late game. Having 4 of these in your deck makes it more consistent, as you’ll get to draw your strongest cards more often, like this next card...
1. Kira Yamato
We left the best card in the Beta for last. Kira Yamato is absolutely busted. While its pilot stats are not different from other good pilots, its ability is simply too good. It’s a generic attack trigger, so it fires off while he’s piloting any unit, and it can target any enemy unit - no restrictions at all. Giving an enemy unit -2 AP is a big deal better than giving his piloted unit +2 HP in terms of tankiness. Plus, he can link with almost all the best white mobile suits thanks to his Earth Alliance trait, which is just gravy on top.
Final Thoughts
The Beta edition of the game showcases how exciting this new Gundam TCG is. Despite the very limited pool of cards, we're able to experience its gameplay, build decks, and assess strategies.
We're very much looking forward to more news about the rest of the cards in Gundam Card Game's first set as the full release approaches later this year.